PaintballGuns MEspace :: Blogs

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Our paintball blog topic today is paintballs. Featured to the left are DraXxus Scenario Paintballs. We just added the DraXxus line to our site. From what we see from a seller's point of view is that there are two basic type of paintball buyers. The first buys on price. They believe that a paintball is a paintball and price is king. They are looking for value and believe that you are just wasting your money paying for higher end paintballs.

The second type are those that believe every edge is important and the added consistency, accuracy or coloring is key to staying in the game. Personally, I am somewhere in the middle of the two camps. Cheap paint is unpredictable and difficult to gain consistency of your accuracy. On the other hand, I am just not totally convinced that paying an extra $30.00 for a case of paint is a good idea?

What kind of paint do you use and why? I know that sometimes some paint does not agree with the equipment you are using. For example, my Tippmann Cyclone Feeder sometimes chops paint. My advice here is change the paint, there is nothing wrong with the feeder. Find a paint brand that works well with the equipment you have.


Anonymous said...

I used some draxus paint a few months ago and it was pretty much the worst paint to date that ive used. The shell was just to brittle for my high pressure marker. Id get about 20 shots off before it start spraying mist. Now i regularly use nelson hotspot paint which has a more durable shell and is only $32.00 bucks for a case. I buy it cause its cheap and works, that simple really. For me spending 50 bucks a case is exspensive plus another $15 for open play. Thats $65 bucks each time i want to play. Thats too much, id rather play twice with decent paint than play once with tournament paint.


Anonymous said...

I have had nothing but a great experience with Draxxus paint. they offer multiple paint choices from recreational to professional play. I find it odd that anyone would have difficulty with Draxxus paint unless it was stored incorrectly or purchased old paint. I am a fan of Draxxus paint and will always be. Better seam, round ball, shoots straight, and marks my target accurately.