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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Paintball Is a Family Recreational Sport

Paintball is an exciting and fun activity. Many have heard that it is an extreme sport. To the contrary, many paintball parks are designed for the whole family. Like any sport, paintball has various levels and types of games to play. One of my favorites is woods ball. As a boy, I used to go hunting with my father. These days, hunting animals is just not what I want to do anymore. I would rather buy my food and hunting has become extremely expensive. Paintball gives me the same feeling of excitement and accomplishes what I am looking for in a weekend recreational activity.

.Paintball is a family sport.

Many people do not realize how much fun paintball can be for the whole family. Let 's face it we grew up fighting our siblings and what better way to have fun then to put a paintball right on her target. But, you brothers out there should beware, the women I see playing paintball are fast, sharp shooters and may just send 15 balls per second your way! Our trips to the paintball park are always a great way for my son and I to spend the day together.

. Do not fear the paintball game itself.

Most people fear paintball because they think it is going to hurt. While the occasional welt may happen, check your gear and wear proper clothing and you will be protected. It is like any other sport. Protect yourself to the comfort level you have. My son wears a chest and back protector, a full coverage paintball goggle, paintball gloves, paintball jersey and paintball pants. All of these are designed to give you comfort and protection when playing.

.Try all the paintball games.

There are many types of paintball games. Not everyone likes baseball. But, many of us play slow pitch in our adult lives. Paintball is no different. You can choose speedball, which is what most of the tournament players and kids love. You can also choose woods ball where you get to try your hand at flushing out the enemy in a camouflaged hiding spot. There are scenario games where you may be able to be a sniper or capture a criminal holding a hostage.

. Buy quality gear.

In every sport I know of, the biggest reason people often get frustrated or give up is that they do not have the proper gear. This should be done after either renting or starting with an inexpensive set of gear. Then after you have experienced the game for a little while, upgrade your paintball guns and gear to the style of play you are comfortable playing.

The main point of this article is to remove some of the fear of paintball and strongly encourage you to try it! Like other sports, it helps me forget about the daily stresses of life and enjoy some fun time with my family. After you erase your fears and decide to go, ask some friends that play to fill you in on what to expect. Rent some equipment or buy an inexpensive starter kit. An all inclusive paintball starter kit including a paintball gun (paintball marker which is the same thing) can be found online for less than $100.00. Compare that to the $10.00 to $20.00 you will pay for each rental. Protect yourself so that you are not afraid of playing the game. Then count on playing several games in the future to hone your skills and having a blast paintballing your friends and family!

About the Author

The author is the owner of an online paintball store. At, you'll find a wide selection of paintball guns.

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Copyright Red Dot Paintball 2008

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